This collection of OverNodes describes the most common operations, involving basic data types, such as Numerical or Boolean values, and more complex ones, like Vectors and Strings.
These nodes are mainly Plain Nodes, which do not possess any flow port. As such, the result of their execution is on-demand and needs to interact with a Flow Node in order to be executed.
The following OverNode are used to interact with the web.
This node allows users to open URLs to external resources, such as web pages.
The "Web Request" node is designed to send HTTP requests from within the Unity environment. It supports GET and POST methods, allowing for data retrieval and submission to web services. Headers and body parameters can be specified, and the node outputs the success status of the request as well as the response text in JSON format. An execution flow is triggered upon completion of the web request, facilitating asynchronous operations and handling of the response data.
The "Form Field" node is utilized to construct or modify form data within a web request. It allows for the addition or updating of key-value pairs in a form, which can be sent as part of an HTTP POST request. This node can be used standalone to create a single form field or chained with other "Form Field" nodes to construct more complex forms. It is particularly useful when combined with the "Web Request" node to dynamically build the body of an HTTP request.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Url pointing to a specific resource.
Dictionary<string, string>
Allows for the input of request headers as key-value pairs, which can modify the HTTP request sent.
Dictionary<string, string>
Used for inputting parameters for the request, which can be used in the query string of a GET request or the body of a POST request.
On Complete
An execution output that triggers the next node in the flow once the web request is completed.
An output that indicates whether the web request was successful (true) or encountered an error (false).
An output that provides the response text from the web request, parsed as a JSON node for easy access to data.
An editable field where the endpoint URL for the web request is specified.
A selectable dropdown that allows the selection of the HTTP method for the request, either GET or POST.
Dictionary<string, string>
An input slot that takes an existing form as a dictionary to which a new key-value pair will be added or an existing key will be updated.
An input slot for the key of the form field. This defines the name of the form element.
An input slot for the value of the form field. This is the data or content associated with the key.
Resulting Form
Dictionary<string, string>
An output slot that provides the resulting form with the new or updated key-value pair. It can be connected to other nodes to further build upon the form data.
The List nodes provide several operations, specifically used for handling Lists in Over SDK.
To use Lists, an OverList Component is required. It allows to define a custom list, ready to be used in the Visual Scripting System. The main parameters to be customized are:
The most basic kind of operations applicable to lists do not require Flow Nodes:
These nodes are responsible for implementing common list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
These nodes are responsible for implementing more advanced list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
These nodes are responsible for implementing boolean list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
Name | Type | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
The type of the elements contained in the List.
List of elements contained in the List.
Returns the total length of the list
Returns the first value of the list
Returns the last value of the list
Adds an Element to a List (it must be the same type of the list type)
Removes an Element to a List (it must be the same type of the list type)
Clears the entire List from it's Elements
Get At
Gets an Element from the List at given Index
Index Of
Returns the Index of a given Element of the list (-1 if the element is not in the list)
Insert At
Insert an Element at a given Index
Remove At
Remove an Element at a given Index
Selects a subsection of a List
Returns the reversed version of the List
Index Of
Returns the Index of a given Element of the list (-1 if the element is not in the list)
Checks if an Element is contained in List
The Math nodes provide several operations, specifically used for evaluating simple mathematical tasks.
These nodes accept only one numerical parameter, to produce a numerical result.
Node | Description |
These nodes accept two numerical parameters, to produce a numerical result.
These nodes are used to clamp the value of given numerical values, to give them an approximation.
These nodes are used to implement simple operations involving angles.
This node is used to generate new random numbers in an inclusive range, from a min to a max value.
To ensure a single Random number is generated at a given time, this OverNode needs to be part of an execution flow.
Those nodes are used just to get easily the well-known constant values
The Conditional nodes provide several operations, specifically used for evaluating boolean properties.
Comparators, much like in the plain coding, allow comparison of diffent data types.
Each of these nodes accept two parameters as input, and provide a boolean output.
Node | Description |
Operators, like in coding, are essential to implement logical statements, in order to build up more complete boolean conditions.
The number of input parameters vary based on the type of the operator: if Unary
the node accepts only one input, if Binary
it accepts two.
This collection of represents some primitive operations used to store some simple data locally, later to be used.
The "Has Saved Value" node is used to check if a certain key has an associated value in the saved data. This node is typically connected to a local save file and it takes a key as input and outputs a boolean indicating whether the value for that key exists. This can be particularly useful to check for saved settings, player progress, or any other persistently stored value.
The "Save Value" node is utilized to store a key-value pair locally. It receives a key and a value as inputs and attempts to save this data. If successful, the data is stored and can be retrieved later, even after the application has been closed and reopened. This node is critical for creating save systems, storing user preferences, or keeping track of game states.
The "Get Saved Value" node retrieves the value associated with a specified key from a local storage This node is essential for accessing saved data such as user settings, game progress, or preferences. If the key exists in storage, the node outputs the corresponding value as a string. If not, an error is logged indicating the key was not found.
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Returns the sum of the inputs
Returns the value of the first input minus the second
Returns the multiplication result of the inputs
Returns the division of the first and the second input
Returns the module between the first and the second input
Returns the value of the power function, where the first input is the base and the second input value is used as the exponent
Returns the lesser value between two inputs
Returns the greater value between two inputs
Returns the closest integer value, less than the input provided
Returns the closest integer value, greater than the input provided
Returns the value between a given minimum and maximum values. Returns the given input as is, if it is within the minimum and maximum range
Returns the sin value of the given input
Returns the cos value of the given input
Returns the tan value of the given input
Returns the arcsin value of the given input
Returns the arccos value of the given input
Returns the arctan value of the given input
Deg to Rad
Return the value converted to radiants
Rad to Deg
Return the value converted to Degrees
Returns the Pie value
Returns a tiny floating point value
Returns a rapresentation of positive infinity
Neg. Infinity
Returns a representation of negative infinity
Not | Unary | Returns the opposite of a given boolean input |
And | Binary | Returns |
Or | Binary | Returns |
XOr | Binary | Similar to Or, but it returns |
Key | string | An input slot for the key whose presence in the saved data is to be checked. |
Has Value | bool | An output slot that provides a boolean result; true if the key has an associated saved value, false otherwise. |
Key | string | An input slot for the key under which the value will be saved. |
Value | string | An input slot for the value to be saved in association with the specified key. |
Key | string | An input slot for the key whose value is to be retrieved from the saved data. |
Value | string | An output slot that provides the value retrieved from the persistent storage for the given key. If the key does not exist, the output will be null. |
Returns the absolute value of the input
Returns the value of the exponential function, where the input value is used as exponent
Equal | Returns |
Not Equal | Returns |
Greater Than | Returns |
Greater than Equal | Returns |
Lesser than Equal | Returns |
Lesser Than | Returns |
The Vector nodes provide several operations, specifically used for handling vectors.
This node is used to expose certain parameters and attributes of a given input Unity 3D Vector3, which are:
Name | Type | Description |
This collection of Nodes are responsible for performing basic useful operations with vectors.
This collection of Nodes allows for the implementation of interpolation between vectors.
In both cases, the value T
represents the value used for interpolation: if T = 0
the result will be the first point, if T = 1
the second.
This collection of Nodes allows for simple mathematical operations between vectors.
The Quaternion nodes provide several operations, specifically used for handling quaternions.
A quaternion is a vector with four parameters that represent a rotation.
This node is used to expose certain parameters and attributes of a given input Unity Quaternion, which are:
Name | Type | Description |
This collection of Nodes are responsible for performing basic useful operations with quaternions.
This collection of Nodes allows for the implementation of interpolation between quaternions.
In both cases, the value T
represents the value used for interpolation: if T = 0
the result will be the first point, if T = 1
the second.
This collection of Nodes allows for simple mathematical operations between quaternions.
The following OverNode are used to manage JSON data.
The "Has Key" node checks if a specified key exists within a JSON object. It takes a JSONNode and a string key as inputs and returns a boolean result. This node is particularly useful in parsing JSON data, allowing the user to verify the presence of data before attempting to access it, thus avoiding potential errors in the data handling process.
The "Get JSON Value" node is designed to retrieve a value from a JSON object using a specified key. It accepts a JSONNode and a key as inputs and outputs the corresponding value as a JSONNode. If the key does not exist within the JSON object, a warning is logged, and the node outputs null. This node is essential for extracting specific pieces of data from JSON structures, particularly when handling responses from web services or parsing JSON data files.
The "Set JSON Entry" node is used to modify or add a new key-value pair to a JSON object. It accepts a JSONNode, a key, and a value as inputs. The node updates the JSON object with the new value for the specified key or adds the key-value pair if the key does not exist. The result is an updated JSON object. This operation is fundamental when manipulating JSON structures, such as configuring settings, updating data, or preparing payloads for web requests.
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Node | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | Type | Description |
Combines the values of two strings into one
Returns the length of the input string
Checks whether the string provided contains a specific substring or not
Is Null or Empty
Returns True
if the string is either null
or an empty string
To String
Transforms a generic object into a sting
String To Bool
Convert the string to a boolean value.
String To Float
Convert the string to a float value.
String To Int
Convert the string to a int value.
Calculates the angle, in degrees, between two vectors
Returns the distance between two vectors
Dot Product of two vectors
Makes this vector have a magnitude of 1
Cross Product of two vectors
Returns the length of this vector
Returns a vector that is made from the largest components of two vectors
Returns a vector that is made from the smallest components of two vectors
Multiplies two vectors component-wise
Linearly interpolates between two points
Sphere Lerp
Spherically interpolates between two vectors
Vector Sum
Returns the sum of two vectors
Vector Subtraction
Returns the subtraction of two vectors
Vector Multiply
Returns the multiplication between a vector and a float scalar
Vector Divide
Returns the division between a vector and a float scalar
Calculates the angle, in degrees, between two rotations
Angle Axis
Creates a rotation which rotates angle degrees around axis
Dot Product of two rotations
Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis; applied in that order
Interpolates between two rotations and normalizes the result afterwards
Sphere Lerp
Spherically interpolates between two rotations and normalizes the result afterwards
Quaternion Combine
Combines two rotations (i.e. applying the two rotations in sequence)
An input slot for the JSON object in which the presence of the key will be checked.
An input slot for the key to be checked within the JSON object.
An output slot that provides the result of the check; true if the key exists, otherwise false.
An input slot that receives the JSON object from which the value will be extracted.
An input slot for the key corresponding to the value to be retrieved from the JSON object.
An output slot that provides the value associated with the input key from the JSON object, or null if the key is not present.
An input slot for the JSON object to be modified or added to.
An input slot for the key of the JSON entry to set or update.
An input slot for the value to be associated with the specified key in the JSON object.
Updated JSON
An output slot that provides the JSON object after the key-value pair has been set or updated.
X component of the vector
Y component of the vector
Z component of the vector
X component of the vector
Y component of the vector
Z component of the vector
W component of the vector