
The Over ecosystem is underpinned by a grid of hexagons covering the whole earth’s surface. The hexagons are called OVRLands, have specific geographic positions and a standard dimension of 300 Square Meters. The total number of OVRLands is 1.660.954.464.112. OVRLands can be further divided into 7 hexagons allowing for even more precise localization. OVRlands are not only a reference system used to position AR and VR content, they are also the fundamental digital asset that will enable our community to generate the economic incentives for development and growth. OVRLands will be bought* by Over Owners, their property will be granted by a non-fungible token – ERC-721 standard – recorded on the Polygon L2 blockchain allowing for decentralized and censorship-resistant property rights. Property of OVRLands will ground the economic incentives to generate, distribute and curate high quality AR and VR content. OVRLand is a scarce and unique resource, only the private keys of the Ethereum address owning the OVRLand NFT can control it. In the case of private keys loss, the control on OVRLand would be lost forever. This would create “zombie land” that nobody would be able to use anymore. In order to overcome this issue and to facilitate the usage of OVRLand all of the OVRLand will be rentable by default at a standard rate, yet the OVRLand owner who still has control of the private keys can always actively refuse the content that is pushed to his OVRLand or ask for a higher rental fee. In this way “zombie lands” will not be an issue anymore since those will remain usable and creating an AR/VR experience on any location on the planet will not require the active participation of the OVRLand owner.

Why hexagons

There are only 3 regular polygon tilings that can be used to cover the earth’s surface: Squares, Triangles, and Hexagons. We chose hexagons because of two specific properties that well combine with Over project.

Neighbor Transversal

We envision multiple opportunities of interaction between neighbor OVRLands and geometry will have huge impact on those relations. Our objective is to multiply interaction opportunities while keeping those simple. Hexagons exhibit a very simple neighborhood distribution: contact points are only on sides, never on angles, moreover all neighbors are positioned at the same distance from the center. Those qualities are not shared by triangles and squares and allow for faster and easier neighbor map calculations.


OVRLands are covering the whole planet and we want the same coherence between coordinates and OVRLands in all possible locations. Sounds reasonable but is not that easy! Projecting the spherical earth surface on a plane causes map distortions, indeed most classic earth map projection techniques such as Mercator create huge distortions while we are moving towards the poles.

Tiling the earth’s surface with hexagons allows for Dymaxion projection which minimizes distortion.

OVRLand dimension

The base dimension of OVRLand has been set to 300 sqm for three main reasons:

  1. given the indoor and outdoor GPS precision in localizing assets in space, such an area is large enough to ensure that the asset is displayed in the correct OVRLand

  2. such a dimension naturally limits the weight (Mb) of the AR Assets allowing for optimal user experience in terms of download times of the asset

  3. 300 sqm is an area that can be 3D mapped - with map2earn software - in a reasonable amount of time (≈ 10 mins) and generates an OVRMap with manageable weight

OVRLand 3words Naming System: Natural Language URI

Humans have an exceptional ability to process natural language, generally at the age of 4 a child can already recognize and remember more than 5.000 words and this number grows to a range between 20.000 and 35.000 for an adult. The same ability does not extend to numbers, our cognitive functions are not wired to recognize and remember not even dozens of number sequences.

OVRLands are defined by their geographic position, a pair of numbers defining latitude and longitude. In order to align with the aforementioned human cognitive abilities, we developed an algorithm – that will be open-source – capable of mapping the pair of coordinates of every single OVRLand with a unique triplet of English words (e.g. blue.sky.dream).

Each one of the single 1,66 trillion of OVRLands will be defined by a unique and easy to remember triplet of English words. To achieve this result we used a word list extracted by Google N-Grams containing 20K of the most commonly used English words.

Private Utility Layer and Public Utility Layer

OVRLand property is the fundamental substrate for the whole Over token economics. Total control on OVRLands content is granted to OVROwners as it underpins the existence of the economic incentives of our ecosystem. This space is defined as the Private Utility Layer. Over aims to become the reference decentralized platform for AR content, with such a vision while establishing the Private Utility Layer we also need to enable the creation of contents that have a public scope and are not privately owned. There are contents that have public utility but cannot be created and maintained by private owners of single OVRLands, both for lack of coordination between individual owners and lack of sufficient economic incentives. Some examples of such content could be: information on public buildings and services, infrastructures, public institutions. For this reason, we decided to create the Public Utility Layer, it will coexist on the same coordinates of the hexagons of the Private Utility Layer but will not be owned by any entity. Public Utility layer will also be the kickstarter for the utility of the Over Platform, we will populate it with the whole Wikipedia’s geolocalized knowledge corpus. Informations will be presented to the final user both by using AR superimposition and by a virtual assistant powered by state-of-the-art NLP technologies* trained on Wikipedia knowledge corpus. Wikipedia knowledge base, virtual assistant AR Asset and trained Neural Network for NLP will be maintained by Over Nodes**.

Please refer to chapter OVER Assistant for more details.

Please refer to chapter OVER Nodes for more details.

Last updated