πEmbed an OVRMap
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To embed an OVRMap on another website, you need to be the owner of the NFT associated with the OVRMap. As the owner, you have the right to incorporate the interactive viewer that displays the 3D reconstruction of your OVRMap on other sites.
Here's how you can obtain the embed code:
Visit the OVRMap Page: Go to the specific OVRMap page within the marketplace.
Access the Embed Option: Click on the three dots menu located in the top-right corner of the page.
Copy the Embed Code: Select the "Embed" option from the menu. This action will copy the iframe embed code to your clipboard.
The process is similar to how you would embed a YouTube video. Once you have the code, you can paste it into the HTML of your website, and the OVRMap's interactive viewer will be embedded.
Note: The embed code remains valid as long as you own the OVRMap. If you transfer ownership to someone else, the right to share the embed code transfers with it.