Main Unity Events


This collection of OverNodes is used to describe the main flow of the OverGraph. The following nodes are directly connected to the Unity3D Monobehaviour of the OverScript, to which the Graph refers.


Awake is called once when the script instance is being loaded – exactly once in the lifetime of the script.

It is commonly used to describe the logic that should be executed before the first frame is played, acting as a general initialization stage of the script.


Start is called once on the frame when a script is enabled just before any of the Update methods are called the first time.

However, Awake is called when the script object is initialized, regardless of whether or not the script is enabled.

It is commonly used to describe the logic that should be executed on the first frame, acting as a general initialization stage of the script.


This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active.


This function is called when the object becomes disabled.

This is also called when the object is destroyed and can be used for any cleanup code. When scripts are reloaded after compilation has finished, OnDisable will be called, followed by an OnEnable after the script has been loaded.


This function is called when the object is destroyed.

This also occurs when a Scene or game ends. Called always after OnDisable.


If the script is active and enabled, Update is called every frame, once per frame.

It is the most commonly used function to implement any kind of game script, allowing the implementation of logic to be executed at runtime.


Like Update, also LateUpdate is executed once per frame, but after all the nodes in Update have finished executing.

This is useful to give the execution flow and order. It is commonly used to handle animations and camera movements, because it tracks objects that might have moved inside Update.


Similar to Update, FixedUpdate is a frame-rate independent node, called repeatedly based on a fixed frequency, given by the Unity3D Physics system.

This is crucial to handle calculations featuring Rigidbodies and Collisions.

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