The List nodes provide several operations, specifically used for handling Lists in Over SDK.
To use Lists, an OverList Component is required. It allows to define a custom list, ready to be used in the Visual Scripting System. The main parameters to be customized are:
The type of the elements contained in the List.
List of elements contained in the List.
The most basic kind of operations applicable to lists do not require Flow Nodes:
Returns the total length of the list
Returns the first value of the list
Returns the last value of the list
These nodes are responsible for implementing common list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
Adds an Element to a List (it must be the same type of the list type)
Removes an Element to a List (it must be the same type of the list type)
Clears the entire List from it's Elements
Get At
Gets an Element from the List at given Index
Index Of
Returns the Index of a given Element of the list (-1 if the element is not in the list)
These nodes are responsible for implementing more advanced list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
Insert At
Insert an Element at a given Index
Remove At
Remove an Element at a given Index
Selects a subsection of a List
Returns the reversed version of the List
Index Of
Returns the Index of a given Element of the list (-1 if the element is not in the list)
These nodes are responsible for implementing boolean list operations that require Flow Nodes to operate:
Checks if an Element is contained in List