Subclass of Ovr.OvrNode
Subclass of Ovr.OvrNode
This is the representation of an Object present in a Scene. It's closely related to UnityEngine.Monobehaviour, a kind of GameObject, and used to manage how a selected object should behave during its lifetime.
Note: the following attributes are added to the existing ones from the super class OvrNode
Collection of OvrNodes which have to be executed once the OvrObject Component is loaded during Play (similar to the Awake function in Unity).
Collection of OvrNodes which have to be executed once the OvrObject Component is destroyed during Play (similar to OnDestroy function in Unity).
Collection of OvrNodes which have to be executed once the OvrObject Component is disabled/deactivated during Play (similar to OnDisable function in Unity).
Collection of OvrNodes which have to be executed once the OvrObject Component is enabled/activated during Play (similar to OnEnable function in Unity).
Collection of OvrNodes which have to be executed once the OvrObject Component is set to the first frame during Play (similar to Start function in Unity).
: is still executed just before executing OnDestroyNodes.
: is still executed just after executing OnStartNodes.